• Carolina Abortion Fund

    • CAF believes that abortion is healthcare, and healthcare should be well resourced and accessible to all. They operate a confidential, toll-free helpline that provides financial, practical, and emotional support to callers in North and South Carolina (and beyond) trying to access abortion care. They serve all callers regardless of gender identity, race, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion, ability, place of origin, citizenship, and all other physical or social defining factors.

  • SisterSong

    • SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; their purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.

  • G.L.I.T.S.

    • G.L.I.T.S. approaches the health and rights crises faced by transgender sex workers holistically using harm reduction, human rights principles, economic and social justice, along with a commitment to empowerment and pride in finding solutions from the local community. They center Black trans leadership. They focus on:

      • immediate need/crisis support for transgender sex workers

      • health care and health resilience for transgender sex workers

      • stable housing

  • Bushwick Ayuda Mutua

    • A volunteer-run, donation-based mutual aid fund that focuses on the needs in my local area. Currently, they serve Bushwick neighbors through the distribution of food, pantry items, and necessities like toilet paper, soap, and menstrual products.

  • Holler Health Justice

    • Organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice, Holler Health Justice builds power with Appalachian communities and individuals most disproportionately affected by health inequities, including Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), those in rural areas, those with low income, and LGBTQIA+ folk. Providing abortion support throughout the Appalachian region.

  • Diapers for Black Durham

    • A dear friend of mine, after birthing their own beautiful baby, saw an obvious need for diapers as well as how difficult it can be to access them. All families deserve to have the most basic items necessary to care for their children. These donations provide free diapers to Black families in Durham, North Carolina.


    • NAPAWF is the only organization focused on building power with AAPI women and girls to influence critical decisions that affect their lives, families and communities. Using a reproductive justice framework, NAPAWF elevates AAPI women and girls to impact policy and drive systemic change in the United States.